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What are striking distance keywords and why they matter for SEO

Bernard Huang
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    TL;DR: What are striking distance keywords?

    Striking distance keywords are search terms that your content already ranks for but aren’t quite on the first page of search engine results pages (SERPs).

    Typically positioned on the second page or just outside the top 10 results, these keywords represent opportunities for quick SEO wins.

    By optimizing your content to push these keywords to the first page, you can tap into additional organic traffic with minimal effort and sometimes without new content creation.

    This concept is sometimes referred to as “low-hanging fruit” in search engine optimization (SEO) because it focuses on improving existing content rather than creating new content from scratch.

    Why striking distance keywords matter for SEO

    Striking distance keywords are critical for SEO because they offer a clear—and often quick path—to improved visibility and organic search performance.

    When users search on Google, over 39% of clicks go to the first result, and the majority never scroll past the first page (source).

    This makes ranking on the first page crucial for capturing high-intent traffic.

    By targeting striking distance keywords, you can focus on keywords that have already demonstrated some ranking potential for existing web pages on your site, meaning less competition and a more manageable keyword difficulty.

    Incorporating striking distance keywords into your keyword strategy can lead to:

    • Boosted organic traffic: When you optimize for these keywords, you’re more likely to gain additional clicks and visits, as users rarely explore content on the second page of SERPs.

    • Improved keyword rankings: Enhancing content around striking distance keywords is a direct way to move up the rankings, often with minimal tweaks or updates.

    • Content marketing efficiency: Rather than starting fresh, you can refine existing content. This is a more resource-effective strategy for driving results in your content marketing efforts.

    Optimizing for striking distance keywords can also elevate your presence in featured snippets, "People Also Ask" sections, and other SERP features that drive visibility.

    How do striking distance keywords work?

    Striking distance keywords typically rank between positions 11 and 20 on the SERPs, meaning they’re just shy of the first page.

    To optimize effectively, it’s important to understand how these keywords function and the metrics that can guide your strategy.

    1. Evaluating metrics

    The key factors when analyzing striking distance keywords are:

    • Search volume: how many people are searching for this term

    • Keyword difficulty: how hard it is to rank for it, and

    • Click-through rate (or CTR): the amount people click through

    High search volume and low competition keywords with moderate difficulty offer the best opportunities for striking distance optimizations.

    2. Keyword research tools

    SEO tools like Clearscope, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Google Search Console help you discover and track striking distance keywords.

    By analyzing average position data, search traffic, and keyword difficulty, you can identify which terms are worth pursuing.

    Google Search Console is particularly useful for identifying keywords your site already ranks for that are close to the first page.

    But Clearscope makes it super easy, because we provide you with a clear, easy-to-understand striking distance keywords report that’s automatically updated in your Content Inventory.

    3. Optimizing content

    Once you’ve identified your striking distance keywords, focus on improving content relevance and user experience.

    Factors like indexing, internal links, and user intent play a huge role in SEO performance.

    For instance, internal linking between relevant pages helps search engines understand your site’s structure and can boost rankings.

    And using alt text for images can help to not only optimize the page for your target query, but also provide a better user experience.

    4. User intent and relevance

    Striking distance keywords are often already aligned with user intent, but refining your content to better match what users are looking for can provide that last push needed to climb to the first page.

    Best practices for optimizing content for striking distance keywords

    Step 1: Identify your striking distance keywords

    Start by using keyword research tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Clearscope to find keywords that rank in positions 11-20.

    Google Search Console is also valuable for uncovering which keywords your site is almost ranking for on page one.

    Step 2: Optimize on-page SEO elements

    Once you’ve identified striking distance keywords, focus on the following on-page SEO factors:

    • Headings and title tags: Ensure your target keyword is present in your H1 tag and title tag. Optimizing these elements with natural-sounding language improves both search engine rankings and user engagement. And don’t over optimize either. It’s a balance.

    • Meta descriptions: A well-crafted meta description that includes striking distance keywords can increase CTR, nudging your page higher in the SERPs.

    • Anchor text: Adjust internal links to point to your optimized content using relevant anchor text. For example, if you’re targeting a long-tail keyword, ensure internal links reflect this keyword specifically.

    Step 3: Use long-tail keywords and content gaps

    Incorporating long-tail variations of your striking distance keywords helps capture more specific search queries, which often have lower competition.

    Address content gaps in your existing content by adding new sections or expanding on subtopics that better align with user intent.

    Tools like Clearscope are great for finding these opportunities.

    Step 4: Tweak existing content

    Sometimes a simple update to existing content can lead to better rankings.

    This could involve updating statistics, refining your headings, or adding schema markup.

    Consider whether it’s better to tweak old content or create a new piece of content altogether.

    Step 5: Boost with external links and social media

    Don’t overlook the importance of off-page SEO.

    Digital marketing strategies like social media promotion and link building can further strengthen your striking distance keywords by driving traffic and increasing your content’s authority.

    External links and backlinks from reputable sources can make a significant difference in SEO performance.

    How to identify and target striking distance keywords

    1. Keyword research techniques

    Use keyword explorers and tools like Ahrefs or Moz to filter for keywords ranking on the second page.

    Analyzing search queries, search terms, and CTR data will help prioritize keywords with high search volume and low competition.

    Aim for keywords with a good balance between search volume and difficulty that already align with your targeted search intent—these offer the quickest path to first-page rankings.

    2. Analyze search traffic and average position data

    Google Search Console’s “Performance” report is a goldmine for finding striking distance keywords based on average position and search traffic.

    Sort by position to spot those keywords closest to breaking into the top 10.

    Prioritize low-competition, high-volume keywords

    When targeting striking distance keywords, focus on those with high search volume and low competition.

    These are typically easier to rank for and can result in a significant traffic boost with minimal effort.

    Optimizing existing content vs. creating new content

    For most striking distance keywords, optimizing existing content is the quickest route to results and can make the most of existing resources in your overall SEO strategy.

    But there are times when you need to consider creating new content to rank for striking distance keywords.

    If the keyword doesn’t quite fit within your existing content, consider creating a new piece of content.

    However, be mindful of avoiding keyword cannibalization—when multiple pages compete for the same keyword, it can dilute your rankings.

    Measuring success with striking distance keywords

    Monitoring content performance

    Keep track of your content’s keyword rankings and SERP performance using tools like Clearscope or Google Search Console.

    Focus on shifts in average position and CTR to gauge whether your efforts are paying off.

    Tracking organic growth

    Monitor overall organic search growth, including metrics like search traffic, conversions, and user engagement.

    Pay attention to quick wins—striking distance keywords are often some of the easiest to optimize, making them ideal for measuring immediate impact.

    Best practices for ongoing optimization

    SEO is an ongoing process.

    Regularly review your keyword rankings and continue to optimize for striking distance keywords as new opportunities arise.

    Keeping your content updated and relevant is key to maintaining top positions in the SERPs.

    FAQs about striking distance keywords

    Q: Why are striking distance keywords important for improving SEO rankings?

    They offer a quicker and easier way to boost rankings, focusing on keywords that already have potential or keywords you may have lost due to algorithm updates and changes.

    Targeting these keywords can result in rapid improvements in visibility and traffic and are an important part of any content strategy.

    Q: Are long-tail keywords important when optimizing for striking distance keywords?

    Yes, long-tail keywords are valuable because they often have lower competition and can help capture highly specific search intent, leading to more qualified traffic.

    Additional Resources and Citations:

    Written by
    Bernard Huang
    Co-founder of Clearscope
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