How Speechify Uses Clearscope to Write More than 500 Posts per Month

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Text-to-speech app Speechify publishes a whopping 500 articles a month on its blog.
The app uses a computer-generated text-to-speech voice to read text aloud. The company's mission: reading should never be a barrier for anyone. And their content marketing goal is to reach a wide audience of people who love or want to read but need help reading text visually. This includes people with disabilities and anyone who prefers listening over reading.
To produce enough content to reach its broad audience, Speechify needed a shared space for Speechify's production team of 40 to seamlessly collaborate on blog posts, product pages, and online stores.
Clearscope met that need. It has since helped Speechify create a robust and well-oiled content process that enables them to produce high-quality and top-ranking content at scale.
Shared workspace streamlines collaboration between team members
The content production team consists of 40 people. They all collaborate in Clearscope. The tool streamlines their workflow and aligns them with the goals. Speechify can produce consistent content at scale thanks to clear and specific outlines.
The process begins when Speechify's SEO team uses Clearscope and other sources to generate keywords. Next, the researchers (outliners) pick up the keywords and use Clearscope's Outline Builder to create an outline for the writers.
The tool scans through competitor outlines and helps the team build an optimized outline to compete with current ranking pages. The outline includes headings, questions, and subtopics. Speechify's researchers also leave additional notes for SEO context in the outline.
For Conrad Abraham, the International SEO & ASO Lead at Speechify, the outline stage is the most critical part of the content creation process.
"The outlines help writers focus and write articles based on the headings we want them to write for," he says. "Without the direction provided by the outline, the writers would end up creating something totally different."
Once Speechify's SEO researchers have created the outline, they copy the share link from Clearscope and paste it into Airtable to start the production workflow. "The share link is kind of like the anchor. With it, we can watch the blog posts travel in real-time, from research to production," says Conrad.
From there, the writer creates the article in Clearscope's Text Editor. On this page, you can write (or paste) your article draft and evaluate progress along the way.
When the article is ready for review, the writer tags the editor, who works directly in Clearscope.
This ability to do keyword research, writing, and editing all in one tool is a huge plus for Conrad. "I love the fact that everything is all bundled up in Clearscope," he adds. "For other platforms, you have to pay a hefty price for the ability to create content and do deep SEO research all in one tool."
The Clearscope report optimizes content that delivers results
Speechify also uses Clearscope to ensure that they are optimized for the correct keywords on the App Store, the Chrome Web Store, and Google Play.
"Most people don't even know that the App Store allows 4,000 characters. Or they don't use the full character account," says Conrad. "So we approached the online store optimization process the same way we would with an article."
This process started with keyword research in Speechify's ASO tool to find keywords that best align with the highest search volume.
Next, they plugged the keyword into the Clearscope Report and used the suggested terms to write the App Store's content in the Text Editor. After doing this, they delete the content (after backing it up). Then, they copy and paste the App Store descriptions from their top three competitors into the Text Editor.
This allows them to analyze the content score and the terms used in their competitor's content. They use this intel to make tweaks to their own App Store copy. The grade informs their process without forcing their writers to be overly formulaic.
"Sure, you can literally copy all the keywords from the right panel without any context and create A++. But when you blend Clearscope's grading system with some research and with great writers who are subject matter experts, it's a huge bonus," explains Conrad.
But when you blend Clearscope's grading system with some research and with great writers who are subject matter experts, it's a huge bonus.
As the final step in the process, they used the share link to collect reviews from the product and dev teams.
Speechify uses Clearscope to optimize its App Store
Speechify also used ClearScope to optimize its product pages for the keywords "text to speech" and "text to speech online." Based on the terms suggested by the Clearscope Report, the Speechify content team wrote two pages for each keyword. They then spent several weeks constantly adding, editing, and tightening the content.
Within a few weeks, their product pages became the first page of Google's Search results. They are now at #2 for "Text to speech online" and #4 for "Text to speech." Additionally, traffic on their product pages has doubled in the past four months.
Produce content at scale with Clearscope
Producing 500 blog posts monthly—plus product pages and app store descriptions—is a challenge, especially without sacrificing quality. But it's not impossible.
Clearscope is designed to help content marketers work smarter, not harder. From the Grading System, which provides checks and balances for A++ content, to the Text Editor and sharable link, which make collaborating with large teams a breeze.
Want to scale creating high-quality content?
If so, Clearscope may be for you. Uncover valuable keyword opportunities, write SEO-optimized content, and track content health with Clearscope.
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