What is Clearscopebot?
Clearscopebot is a web scraper used by Clearscope to retrieve publicly available content from websites. This powers many of our services ranging from Content Grade recommendations to Content Inventory. Clearscopebot is designed to be efficient, respectful, and compliant with industry standards, including adherence to robots.txt rules.
IP Addresses
Clearscopebot uses the following IP addresses for crawling:
To ensure uninterrupted access for Clearscopebot, we recommend allowing traffic from these IP addresses.
Allowing Clearscopebot with Cloudflare and Other Services
Many websites use services like Cloudflare, Akamai, or other security solutions that may block web crawlers. To ensure Clearscopebot can access your website, refer to documentation provided by the relevant service:
For questions or issues related to Clearscopebot, please contact our support team at support@clearscope.io.