Content Decay
Our Content Decay feature highlights your content that’s lost the most clicks over the past year. Showing you what pieces of content have decayed better positions you to refresh the page (using our Content Reports, of course) and drive more traffic back to the URL.

What does the Content Decay feature show me?

The URLs of your published content you added to your Content Inventory.

A spark chart displaying the amount of monthly clicks the URL received over the last 12 months. By clicking the chart visual, a modal will appear with more details on the month-by-month click values.

The absolute value of clicks lost from the peak month (highest click traffic) and previous month (last full month)
Pct (or Percent)
The percent decline of clicks lost from peak month (highest click traffic) and the previous month
Shows if the URL is being monitored as a Content Inventory page (Yes) or not (No)