Support CenterBilling and CreditsHow do Clearscope credits work?

How do Clearscope credits work?

Clearscope operates on a credit system, where you receive Keyword Discovery and Content Report credits at the beginning of each billing cycle. In every subscription, you also have access to Content Inventory pages that remain in place as long as you’re a Clearscope customer.

How do I use Clearscope credits?

You use Clearscope credits in each of our core features as follows:

Keyword Discovery

Select the “Run” button on the Keyword Discovery screen to generate a keyword research analysis and use a single Keyword Discovery credit.

Run button to use a Keyword Discovery credit

You can also view how many Keyword Discovery credits you have remaining as well as when your credits reset.

Keyword Discovery credits used and reset date

Content Report

Select the “Run” button on the Create report screen to generate a content analysis of the current SERP and competitors. This action uses a single Content Report credit in the process.

Run report button to use a Content Report credit

You can also view how many Content Report credits you have remaining as well as when your credits reset.

Content Report credits used and reset date

Content Inventory

Add Content Inventory pages by clicking on the “+ Add pages” button in the top right corner. You will only be able to add as many pages as your Clearscope subscription allotment.

+ Add pages button to import additional URLs to your Content Inventory

You can see the number of Content Inventory pages used compared to your subscription total. If you’re interested in increasing the number of Inventory pages, contact our Support team at

Content Inventory pages used compared to the total available on your Clearscope subscription

Do credits rollover?

For monthly subscriptions, you receive a set of new Keyword Discovery and Content Report credits, but any unused ones don't rollover from month to month. On annual plans, however, you get access to all of your credits upfront to use throughout the year.

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